Root Cause / Cause Analysis
WD Associates provides highly experienced industry personnel to perform Root Cause / Cause Analysis services for significant events that have occurred at your facility. In addition, WD performs independent reviews and provides oversight and mentoring of the development and implementation of effective actions at your facility to aid in ensuring performance problems and gaps are identified before they result in a loss of production, regulatory compliance issues or personnel injuries.
Root Cause / Cause Analysis services include:
Corrective Action Program (CAP) development and Implementation
Root Cause Analysis Team support
Independent Reviews of Cause Analysis
Major equipment failures investigations
Severe personnel injury/fatality investigations
Training and Mentoring leaders in Performance Improvement and CAP
Assessments / Inspection Support
WD Associates provides highly experienced industry personnel to assist clients in performing assessments/inspections at your facility; we also perform independent reviews of assessments/inspections as requested. In addition, WD develop assessment programs to enable clients in identifying performance gaps and operational vulnerabilities at your facility.
Assessments / Inspection Support services include:
CAP Program Effectiveness Assessments
Training Program Assessments
Safety Program Assessments
NRC IP 95001/95002/95003 Support
NERC Assessment support
NERC Cold Weather Assessments
Vegetation management safety event analysis
Plant Operational Performance & Material Condition Assessments
Performance Improvement Mentoring and Support
WD Associates provides highly experienced personnel to help clients become more effective in solving problems ranging from targeting fixes for specific problems to overall integrated organizational improvements.
Performance Improvement / Mentoring and Support services include:
Development and implementation of continuous improvement activities
Support for analysis and resolution of performance gaps
Performance Assessment Mentoring and Support
Analysis of Safety Culture issues
Organizational Effectiveness Assessments

A graduate and manager of the Naval Nuclear Power Program, Mr. Latham has over forty years military and commercial management and executive experience providing services, products and consulting to a wide array of industrial clients.
Areas of expertise include technical operations, training, simulation, configuration management, performance metrics, Problem Identification & Resolution (PI&R), root cause analysis, assessment, due diligence, process re-engineering, business management, product development, marketing/sales, and international export & payment mechanisms.
Mr. Latham has successfully managed or directed service and product deliveries to multiple industries both domestically and internationally. In addition to many of the utility clients served today in Nuclear, Fossil, Hydro, and Renewables, Mr. Latham has previously supported clients including Boeing Aircraft, Eastman Chemical, Miller Brewing, Kellogg's, Westinghouse, the Federal Government, and the University of Cairo (Egypt), among others.
Recent activities have included Operational Assessments, Business Planning, Due Diligence, Power Plant Acquisition, Material Condition Assessments, Quality Assurance, Operational Readiness, Regulatory Compliance and Margin Recovery, and Operational Performance Improvement, including Human Performance, NRC Safety Culture, NERC Reliability, and Organizational Dynamics.
• Certified SRO Classroom and Simulator Operations Instructor
• Certified Root Cause Analyst
Competencies -
➢ Cost Avoidance Strategies
➢ Operations Process Development & Improvement
➢ Strategic Planning & Tactical Implementation
➢ Budget Development / P&L Accountability
➢ Building & Leveraging Organizational Relationships
➢ Business Development
➢ Problem Solving Analysis & Change Management
➢ Complex Program / Project Management
➢ Cross Functional Leadership Developing & Leading High Performing Teams
Achievements -
• Restructuring business procedures for sustainable operations
• Implementing process improvements to enhance productivity
• Developing and implementing strategies to positively transform performance
• Developing and implementing strategic plans to improve business operations
• Focusing on quality performance and cost to drive positive results
• Managing project financial controls to assure results
• Influencing stakeholders to mitigate and resolve regulatory issues
• Leveraging business opportunities for company growth and profitability
• Negotiating stakeholder interfaces to achieve buy-in
• Leading complex projects to successful completion
• Leading cross functional teams to transform operations
• Building high performing teams to resolve regulatory actions
Contact through WD office:
Jeanine Foster, Corporate Contracts Manager
WD Associates, Inc.
410-452-0055 Ext. 12